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Neurokinetic Therapy


Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) aims to identify and correct dysfunctional movement patterns to alleviate pain and improve physical functions, such as strength, range of motion and quality of motion.

Therapist performing Neurokinetic Therapy

How can it help?

Neurokinetic Therapy can help people in several ways:


Pain relief: NKT focuses on identifying and correcting the root causes of pain, rather than just treating the symptoms. By restoring proper muscle function, NKT can often alleviate pain.

Rehabilitation: NKT is beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries, surgeries, or traumatic events. It helps restore proper movement patterns, improve muscle strength and flexibility, which can accelerate the recovery process.


Performance enhancement: Athletes and individuals seeking to enhance their physical performance and prevent injury can benefit from NKT. 

Injury Prevention: By identifying and addressing dysfunctional movement patterns before they manifest as pain or injury, NKT can help prevent future injuries and pain. 


Neurokinetic Therapy is practiced by certified practitioners who have undergone specific training in the technique.


Feel free to get in touch to see if NKT is appropriate for you.



Neurokinetic Therapy combines principles from various disciplines, including neuroscience, manual therapy, biomechanics, and motor control theory, to address the root causes of muscular imbalances and alleviate pain.


The fundamental premise of Neurokinetic Therapy is that the body's movement patterns are controlled by the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). When the brain encounters an injury, trauma, or repetitive stress, it may develop compensatory movement patterns to protect the affected area. While these compensations serve a protective purpose initially, over time they can become habitual, leading to inefficient movement patterns, muscle imbalances, and chronic pain.



NKT practitioners use Active Resisted Muscle Testing to identify these compensatory movement patterns and imbalances. They assess muscle relationships and identify dysfunctional patterns by observing how specific muscles and muscle groups work together or fail to coordinate properly. This assessment involves muscle testing and palpation techniques to identify areas of weakness, tightness, or overactivity.


Once the dysfunctional movement patterns are identified, NKT practitioners use a variety of therapeutic techniques to correct them. These techniques may include manual therapy, such as soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, or myofascial release, as well as therapeutic exercises and neuromuscular re-education.

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